The patent described a rod attached to a piece of tin pierced with holes and sandwiched between two layers of flannel. The rod would be pressed by hand into a cylindrical vessel. 这项专利是用一根活杆连着一片带有网眼,被两层法兰绒夹在中间的锡箔,用手把活杆压入圆柱形容器内。
An open-topped and roughly cylindrical vessel. 顶部开口的粗糙的圆柱状的容器。
This cylindrical vessel is designed and made by ourselves. 这种圆柱形容器是我们自行设计和制造的。
Based on the Donnell theories, the formula for the inherent frequency of the cylindrical explosion vessel is derived. 根据唐纳尔简化理论,推导了柱形爆炸容器固有频率的计算公式。
Stress Distribution Analysis for a Small Space in between the Large Nozzles Structure of Internally Pressured Cylindrical Vessel 圆形筒体小间距大开孔结构的应力分布
Detailed studies on the explosion venting to the air were performed by a series of venting tests in a 0.00814m~ 3 cylindrical vessel connected to a duct under different venting conditions. 文中对容积为0.00814m3带导管的柱形泄爆容器,在不同泄爆条件下一系列泄爆试验进行了详细的研究。
Measuring method of membrane separator cylinder for CFB boiler finite element analysis of stress concentration at the nozzle junction of internally pressured cylindrical vessel 分离器筒体的测量受内压圆柱筒体开孔&接管区应力集中的有限元分析
On the frictional dissipation due to the boundary of a cylindrical vessel 圆柱空间的边界摩擦耗散
Comprehensive Comparison Between Flat Steel Ribbon Vessel and Integrated Wrapped Cylindrical Vessel 扁平绕带式容器和整体包扎式容器的综合对比分析
Safety Assessment on Cylindrical Vessel's Girth Welding Disalignment 圆柱形容器环缝错边的安全性评价
Stress and deformation analyses of a high speed rotating cylindrical vessel 高速回转圆柱形容器的应力和形变分析
The external shell of the external guiding flow shell-and-tube heat exchanger is a cylindrical vessel containing unflanged reducer, in which the internal cylinder is welded blow external guiding flow cylinder. 外导流换热器的壳体是一种带有无折边变径段的圆筒形容器,并在其导流筒内焊有内筒。
Analysis and design of atmospheric pressure cylindrical vessel with clapboard 有隔板常压圆柱形容器的结构分析与设计
The paper deals with a problem of limit analysis of vertical cylindrical vessel subjected to liquid pressure. 本文研究受液压载荷作用下立式圆柱容器的塑性极限分析问题。
Numerical simulation of gas deflagration and discharge in cylindrical vessel 管状容器气体燃爆泄放过程的数值模拟
A modified Hertzian contact law is used to calculate the contact force between the impact body and impacted cylindrical vessel and a direct integral scheme-Newmark method is applied in time domain during impact analysis process. 在分析中应用修正的Hertzian接触法则来计算在冲击载荷下冲击体和缠绕结构之间的接触力;在时域中采用Newmark方法求解。
Surface wave structure in a vertically forced circular cylindrical vessel 垂直激励圆柱形容器中的表面波结构
A Probe into the Breakdwon Pressure of the Cylindrical Vessel with Synclinal Cracks 对带斜裂纹圆筒形容器断裂压的探讨
This gives an important method for optimal design of bolted flanged connections in the cylindrical pressure vessel. 这对圆筒压力容器法兰连接的优化设计具有重要的意义。
The pressure histories and flame propagation inside cylindrical vessel during venting process are measured and analyzed. The experimental results show that the developments of pressure and flame propagation have clear characteristics at different venting condition. 对柱形容器泄爆过程中压力与火焰发展传播过程的观测与分析表明,不同泄爆条件下压力与火焰的发展传播具有明显特点。
Steel silos for the storage of bulk solids generally consist of a cylindrical vessel above a conical discharge hopper. 广泛应用于各类散料储存的钢筒仓结构通常由锥形漏斗和置于其上的圆柱形仓筒组成。
Capillary Effect on the Vertically Excited Surface Wave in a Circular Cylindrical Vessel 圆柱形容器中竖直激励表面波的毛细影响
In order to make vessel have the minimum weight, a mathematical model for determining the optimal lenth-diameter ratio of cylindrical vessel with hemispherical heads is presented in this paper. 以寻求容器壳体质量最小为目标,建立了计算半球形封头筒形容器最佳长径比的数学模型。
The design of high-pressure cylindrical vessel of GFRP 玻璃钢高压筒形容器设计
Finite Element Analysis of the Limit load for a Cylindrical Vessel with 30 ° Lateral Intersection 具有30°斜接管内压容器极限载荷的有限元分析
Determination of the optimal length-diameter ratio of cylindrical vessel with hemispherical heads 半球形封头筒形容器最佳长径比的确定
In the second part, the production and distribution of~ 1O_2 in vessel and tissue are simulated on an ideal tissue model which is a cube containing a cylindrical vessel. 第二部分,在含有一根柱状血管的理想组织模型上,对血管和组织中~1O2的产生、分布情况进行仿真。
Investigated is the effect of filling pipe on the charge relaxation and the oil surface potential at the interface between vapor and oil in a cylindrical vessel. 就鹤管对储罐内电荷的泄漏速度和油面电位的影响进行了分析。
A Study of Pad Reinforcement Behavior under the Axial Thrust on Cylindrical Vessel Nozzle 接管轴向推力作用下补强圈补强特性的研究